Wednesday, March 14, 2007

#55 - Performance (1970, Donald Cammell & Nicolas Roeg)

The greatest film to come out of the 1960s counterculture, Performance blew me away like few films ever have. A look into the myriad ways of presenting masculinity and male sexuality, Performance starts out as a blistering gangster film only to morph into an extended mushroom trip after macho Chas hides out in Mick Jagger's house, trying to fit in with the weirdo hipsters it houses.

Jagger plays Turner, a reclusive retired rock star who lives in a delapitated mansion in a menage-a-trois with Anita Pallenberg and a little French runaway. The shots of his house are breathtaking, such a seemingly modest-sized home has an endless supply of rooms and corridors to hide in. Nicolas Roeg films always look amazing and this is the best-looking of them all.

This film has been running through my head all day and unfortunately nothing is coming out onto the ol' blog. But trust me, this is top 10 all-time for me.

new #100: Great Expectations

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