Wednesday, March 21, 2007

#10 - Sherlock Jr. (1924, Buster Keaton)

Watched this on the Kino double-bill with Our Hospitality, which seemed like a dry run at The General, but Sherlock Jr. blew me away. Best Keaton film I've seen yet and infinitely better than any Chaplin (I rewatched Modern Times last night and it didn't hold up to Buster). Amazing how much humor and imagination can fit into just 45 minutes of screen time.

I'm not sure if this is the first reflexive film-as-dream film ever made, but it seems to anticipate such supreme Mike Ouderkirk favorites as The Wizard of Oz and Mulholland Dr. in structure. Plus the slapstick is just plain funny like when the men try to murder his dream self. Buster keaton was quite the pool player! The obligatory train sequence was an amazing physical performance by Buster or his stunt double. A+++ will watch again and again and again.

new #100: A City of Sadness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.