Monday, February 19, 2007

#9 - North By Northwest (1959, Alfred Hitchcock)

Okay, so I'm a little embarrassed I've never seen this one. I even mentioned as much in my introductory post. Not only is this a movie that shows up on all these "all-time best-of" lists, but it's a super-popular Hollywood movie from the most famous director ever! Also, everyone but me apparently watched this in high school English class. I must've been sick.

Anyway, there's a reason why this one is such a crowd-pleaser: it's just pretty much the most entertaining movie there is. Sandwiched between Hitch's two most acclaimed films, it's not as abstract and existential as Vertigo, nor is it as twisted a genre exercise as Psycho. North By Northwest is a fun palate-cleanser with a lot of amazing cinematography (few movies have better Technicolor than this), ridiculous plot turns and breezy, brazen flirting between Cary and Eva.

new #100: Marnie (what a coincidence)

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